- What I want? I want you to fight for me.
I want you to say that there's no one else that you could ever be with,
that you'd rather be alone than without me.
- How am I supposed to know that?
- You just are.

Don't waste your words on me.

I once had a friend
she was pale and beautiful
and we made each other happier.
I made a mistake
and I lost her.
Now somebody else
has made a mistake
and we’ve suddenly
found each other again.
We’ve spent the past two weeks together.
and now we make each other stronger.
And for that, I love her.

½ vatten
½ mjölk
2 msk chaipulver
the hard place.

It's almost like you had it planned
It's like you smiled and shook my hand and said:
"Hey, I'm about to screw you over, big time".

Jag har en ny hemstad.
Jag har en ny andra hälft.
Jag har ett nytt liv.
Och jag har en ny framtid.
(Alla bilder är tagna utav Sara, hon är bäst i hela världen, på alla punkter.)
(Fast bilden på Sara är ju tagen utav mig, men redigerad av finaste Saris)